Join a Resident Advisory Committee to help shape the new central library design
December 2020
In support of the new central library’s vision to be a welcoming, inclusive and barrier-free place for everyone who calls Saskatoon home, we are recruiting members for Resident Advisory Committees.
Advisory Committees membership will consist of community leaders, advocates, experts and community members with lived experience. The Project Team will consult the Committees at critical stages during the new central library design process. Committees will:
- Provide ideas and insight from a patron perspective to the Project Team through the lens of their lived experiences.
- Review concepts, ideas, and plans and provide feedback as requested.
- Propose solutions to design challenges as requested.
We’re looking for community volunteers for the committees below:
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Provide feedback based on lived experience with physical and/or cognitive disabilities.
Business Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the people involved in the local business industry.
Children & Caregivers Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of caregivers with children under 12 years old.
Creation & Innovation Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of writers and artists and people involved in audio & visual production, computers & coding and maker spaces.
Employment & Education Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of people engaged in education and employment initiatives.
Inclusion Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of newcomers, racialized minorities, LGBTQ2S+, and people who speak languages other than English at home.
Local History Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of people engaged in the preservation of community history.
Public Health & Safety Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of people engaged in addressing community health and safety.
Older Adults Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of older adults who will use the new central library.
Teens Advisory Committee
Provide feedback from the perspective of teens who will use the new central library.
Saskatoon Public Library will select members at random from all expressions of interest received that meet the eligibility. To let us know you want to join an Advisory Committee, complete the expression of interest form on our Careers page. The deadline is Wed, Jan 6, 2021, at 8 pm.
The Advisory Committees are in addition to planned broad community engagement. More details will be available early in 2021. Sign up for the new central library newsletter to receive consultation opportunities directly to your inbox.